Thursday 18 November 2010

Monday 15 November 2010

New Poster For Campaign

Poster Campaign

Here is the latest poster we have created that hopefully might make people think about all the images we are seeing on a day to day basis. Images surround us whether its advertising, graffiti, brands, slogans or logos.

I wanted this image to show that advertising directly affects us into making choices that we might not have considered unless under the influence of the advertisement itself. Ronald McDonald (who is the forefront of McDonald's advertising) is seen within the image to be electrically stimulating the child's mind. The child's eyes are red and show the McDonalds arches (logo). This represents the child's want for McDonald products under the direct or indirect influence of Ronald McDonald. I wanted the audience to question the seperation of Ronald McDonald's hand from his body because I wanted to make the connection clear that behind Ronald McDonald is a group of very intelligent psychologists working on all aspects of the advertisement to tailor it specifically to the child demographic.

This image has been composed form several images found from the Internet. Here is a list of all the images that I have edited to create my image.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

What do you think when...

What do you think when you see these pictures?

(click to enlarge)

Your feedback is really valuable to us. Thank you.
Social Media Strategy

This is our current Media Strategy.

Social Networking Stratagy

Social networking Strategy

Facebook -

  • Setup Activists Activate Facebook account.
  • Status Updates - Relevant posts about current Activism.
  • Group - Allows other members to interact with our facebook page.
  • Events - Set up and organize ‘Events’ to generate interest and awareness of campaign.
  • Pics of Campaign Posters.
  • Links to Blog.
  • Add Groups and Friends that also partake in activism and have a relevance to project.

Twitter -

  • Account - Set Up.
  • Organise debate about current Campaign Through own Twitter account, try and get as many people involved.
  • Post Twitter Feed into Blog.


  • Set Up an Account.
  • Upload Supersize me juxtaposed with comical clips such as zombies.
  • this must illustrate the point of our campaign.
  • link this to facebook, twitter.
  • reply to comments received on youtube to generate more.

Video -

  • Juxtaposition of super size me with Dawn of the dead.
  • Vox pops outside McDonald’s.

Blog -

  • Main HUB for Online Activism & Discussion.
  • Polls & Surveys.
  • Twitter Feed.
  • Links To All Social networks.

Media -

  • Posters with URL and Facebook Info available to rip off so the public has a hard Copy of all site details.

Thursday 28 October 2010

Zombies Exist - Are you a brain dead consumer?

I recently watched Dawn of the Dead, which is a very entertaining horror movie about zombies. From this movie I found some ideas that would be very useful for our campaign. The movie seems to have a moral behind all the brutal violence... and the moral is that we may be infecting ourselves with mass consumerism. This theory is explained fairly well in this scene...

Francine Parker: They're still here.
Stephen: They're after us. They know we're still in here.
Peter: They're after the place. They don't know why, they just remember. Remember that they want to be in here.
Francine Parker: What the hell are they?
Peter: They're us, that's all, when there's no more room in hell.

When Peter mentions "the place" he's referring to the mall that the zombies are roaming in. The fact that the mall is an important factor with in our lives shows how we're like zombies ourselves. Later in the movie the humans become absorbed with in American consumption and seem very unhealthy with in the environments of the mall.

From this movie I have come to a interesting idea for our campaign. I've decided to create an illustration of a zombie that reflects our western culture. I hope that people will reflect on their own consumptions when viewing this image and hopefully think more about how we communicate with the media.

Using popular mainstream material with in this image I have created a clear link to our materialistic culture. This is quite similar to a lot of Banky's art.

We hope to publish this image and some similar custom made ones into a collection of posters that we can post around public areas. Hopefully this will create a good reaction and some interest.

We're currently working on a logo that clearly resembles what our campaign is about. We're also creating other horror styled images for our posters, such as programmed robots and Frankenstein children powered by Ronald McDonald.

You can currently watch the whole movie of Dawn of the Dead here:

Thursday 21 October 2010

Our campaign!

For our campaign, we have chosen to pick a particular media text which we feel, bends the truth that it presents to the mass public. And just generally  try to get people to look for other sources of information, rather than just absorbing the content presented to them.

A good example of this would be FOX NEWS in the States which has long had a reputation of presenting news and events in favour of the political parties which sponsor the network.

Thursday 14 October 2010


The 'OBEY' sticker campaign, otherwise known as Obey Giant, was created by Shepard Fairey and Ryan Lesser in the 90's.

video continues in part 2 :


'OBEY' influences people to think about the symbol and it's purpose. The Artist's objective with the campaign is to provoke alternative thoughts and perspectives instead of submitting to society's norm way of thinking. It also influences some people to expand on the campaign by either telling more people about it or creating their own Art work on the streets. The influence of actively contributing only provokes people that agree with the group's outlook on the media and society.

Regulation and Media Policy
The morals of the 'OBEY' campaign conflict with the policies of the law. Graffiti is illegal in our society, unless regulated in certain areas, yet most well known street Artists choose to disobey the law. Ironically
Shepard Fairey's 'OBEY' symbol illustrates the point of view that most of us passively obey the law. Another point that should be raised is that Media Advertising has become a norm in our lives. For example, billboards and posters that visually draw our attention. This form of Media has become socially acceptable... but why?

Created by 'Banksy' - celebrating the blankness of the billboard

Supporting Independent and Participatory Media
As mentioned before, the campaign influences people to promote 'OBEY' and get involved with the subject. It shows that independent activists, such as these, can become popular through public interest and social interaction. This form of activism is a direct link to the public's attention; in the same way public advising is. This is another reason for the success of the campaign.

An activist's objective is to change certain aspects of our society and Shepard Fairey's 'Obey' succeeds in this. Fairey's approach is targeting people's acceptance with the advertisement industry, our society and the law we abide by. He does this by parodying the industry and boldly outlining the negative sides. If the audience understands the concept then the change becomes apparent.